☆ 29 AUG 2024

I've been thinking about editing the website a bit, fixing some stuff between here and there. Last year, when i created it, i had little to no knowledge on HTML and i missed a lot of core elements that now make more sense to me. For starters, i ABSOLUTELY need to make and index. Only recently i realized the importance of one, that's basically where all the updates and stuff goes so it has the highest priority when i'll put the website under reconstruction.

Then i'd like to decorate it a bit more; i don't like how bland and boring it looks, i want there to be more tiny doodles for example at the end of every page or even scattered around the frames. I want it to feel more lively. Then i'm planning on adding an artwork section where i'll put all the illustrations that will be colored and polished enough. Having them on socials is ok, but i'd like to have them available in a higher quality.

During my absence i've also though about the main stories that are written in the stories section. I've come to the conclusion that, for now, i'll mainly focus on One Starry Wish and The Last Wish Sorcerer for possible webcomics in the future. The thought of wanting to produce four different comics when i haven't even fully written the story of one was distressing, so i think it's for the best that i only focus on what i can do at the moment. Of course, pieces of informations and lore bits of the other two stories will still be told.

Regarding the blog, there are only 2 things that really bother me: the mobile interface and the previous blogs section.

Thank you for reading so far ★